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Argentina Emissaries

September 30, 2012 in News Tags: , , , ,

JOSE BRECHNER a poor relation is the most irrelevant thing of the nature Charles Lamb The diplomatic capacity of Bolivia is so rustic, natural extension of its president Evo Morales, and his chancellor, David Choquehuanca, that went to Brazil and Argentina, so that they intercede by her in his demolished relations with the United States. Brazil stopped being valid interlocutor since Lula and Ahmadineyad embraced, kissed and toquetearon in Brasilia. And Argentina that was in its lower point with the United States when Nstor Kirchner was president, descended many additional steps since his wife assumed the control. Cristina does not know anything except portfolios don’t mention it, but than less she understands is of outer relations. Ever since the North American democrats named to their new ambassador in Buenos Aires, Vilma Socorro Martinez, progressive, Latin woman and, like the Kirchner, so that they can get along. Everything has left to them badly.

The last shock with Washington took place when Arthur Valenzuela, Chilean-American, ordered to supervise the bows between Washington and Latin America, said that in Argentina there is no legal security. The commentary did not go to garete. The Kraft multinational underwent aggressive union attacks to dismiss employees. The piqueteros of profession, do what it gives the desire them against anyone, with the governmental consent. The Pink House jumped until the ceiling by the commentary, to the point that Jorge Taiana, his Minister of Outer Relations, asked that Washington retracte.

Typical demand of the made feel inferior third-world provincial politician. The Bolivians acted equal before breaking relations with the Sam Uncle. The resentment of the Argentine government towards the United States is not different from the one from the Bolivian. First because more is created, and the second because it is known less. According to another sounding of the Nation, 90 percent of the Argentineans think that indeed, there is no legal security in Argentina.

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