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September 12, 2012 in News Tags:

The disrespect of biopsicossociais aspects and the rigidity of the professional, the excess of work, the desumanizaco and the disinterest will also determine one environment of loaded work of hostility. For times, the health team, as Guedes cited for Fossi and Guareschi (2004), appears before the patient of not available form. Generally medical listening, can be solely interested in the information of the disease, therefore, the form of the doctor to act with rejection ahead of the patient makes with that it has its other unsatisfied relations. Thus, the recovery of the patient, can thus be reached by the hostility of the relationship doctor-patient and, to disclose good or bad consequences in its trajectory of adoecimento.

In the science of century XXI, according to Almeida cited for Ribeiro and collaborators (2004), the form to change knowledge is indispensable between the diverse ones disciplines, therefore it promotes with this the interdisciplinaridade. This is equivalent to the union of different substances, on to one same subject, with distinct levels of cohesion, without the great power of one disciplines if to overlap to the others. With this, Camon (2000) only affirms that professional one it is not the sufficient to investigate the patients in the hospital context in the different aspects, being thus provided an accurate diagnosis and resoluto. The work in group is distinguished for the homogeneity of the targets to be reached. In such a way, the work executed in team is seen as a grouping of people with different professional formations, acting in interdependent way, interrelacionando themselves in the same work context, through formal notifications or not. Therefore, the consequncias of analysis of each area will have to be evaluated and to be commented by all and will have to be presented a differentiated examination, pontuando the seen exactness and obstacle in each patient. For Bruscato and collaborators (2004), that one is understood for multiprofessional work you discipline where them interact between them, since the exchange of information until the true cohesion of terms, methods and sistematizaes. Already the work developed in multiprofessional teams interdisciplinares, uses methodical techniques, conceptual projects and of evaluation of diverse fields of knowing with the objective to integrate them. Giving continuity to the thought of the author, it affirms that in one it has equipped to interdisciplinar of health, the examination and the plans are carry through.

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