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Social Service

March 23, 2018 in News Tags:

With the reorganization of the capitalism, the professions, and the necessary Social Service appear new challenges for all to interact with the same ones to take care of to decurrent necessities of the new conjuncture and to implement strategies of confrontation to the aggravation of the social matter. Of this form, we objectify to evidence the Social Service while process of work and its insertion in a collective process. From the elencados points previously, in this capitalist, neoliberal context, demarcated for the partner-economic inaquality between rich and poor, where these last ones suffer with the discrimination, the poverty, the focalizao of social politics, and in general lines, with me the distribution of income socially produced, the Social Service configures as work process acting in the confrontation the sequels of the Social matter, with professionals based in referenciais theoretician-metodolgicos and compromised with the project ethical-politician of the profession, in the intransigent defense of the rights of the diligent classroom, mediating these conflicts, and being the side of other professionals for guaranteeing the efetivao of public politics. In this optics, it can be concluded that problematizao and intervention of the social assistant are pautadas in the limits of the objectives of the company, having excluded the possibility of such manifestations to be expression of the negation of the worker. When assuming the representations of the phenomena as evidences, nothing more coherent than to have in the impediments to the productivity its object of knowledge and intervention. Reason for which the action of the social assistant in the company privileges the relation employed employer and. Soon, its scope of action is limited to the context of the purchase and sales of the work force, having constructed a referencial that standes out the conditions of life of who vende the force of work and the necessary action humanist of the company, being unaware of, therefore the practical one of resistance of the worker to the process of capitalist exploration. .

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