Bonfin Bastos
July 18, 2012 in News Tags: history
We can take in consideration the rumors that had at the time on the decline of the enslaved regimen, and having in mind the productive particularitities regional, and that for referring historical citizens the research still would transfer entorno of four decades for the legal end of the slavery. Our idea finds endorsement in the Letter of Freedom granted for owner Zeferina Antonia de Jesus. For the fact of this to have been widower Mr. Jose ngelo of the Fonseca. for the luck of its medium brown slave, (whose name is unreadable in the document) and for the will Mrs. frees it praying in the Letter, that would pay of its tera of the inventory of its husband the value of the slave so that its heirs were not in the damage, and so that these did not complain it. ' ' attendance to the good that has served me and same love of creation, for this I trust it its freedom …
' '. 17 Notices for the speech Mrs. the effort to free said the enslaved medium brown, which consists in the Letter the repayment of the part of its husband in will, sketching its will. we know well that enslaved mediums brown in the great majority of the times are fruit of relations between gentlemen and slaves, as we do not have with certifying such fact in this episode, fit we to raise the question that came the light and only arrived the public thanks to the text of the Letter of Freedom. In one peculiar other in case that, we find the black lining Joo of Nation, as he was known, that in 1849, already if finding he exempts, but not legally and having age of sixty and six years, paid the amount in money that had to the deceased Bonfin Bastos, to its wife owner Ana Raimunda Chavier, who then registers in the notary’s office of the Clientele of Ours Lady of the Angels its Letter of Freedom.