Rio De Janeiro Movement
December 5, 2012 in News Tags: history
Few months after the 1917 strike, mobilizations of incomparably bigger impact had knocked down the bourgeois order in Russia and had taken the laborers to the power in the following years the influence of the Russian revolution if it extended to the working-class movement the International some groups had started if to organize to form a similar party to the party of Bolchevique. The decade of 20 was symbolized as the moment of height and decline of the anarquismo, being created PC (Partido Comunista) in 1922 in Brazil already existed communist groups in the cities of Rio De Janeiro, Recife here, Juiz De Fora and So Paulo. Complementing the subject in elapsing of all the events of the revolts, of the laboring fights that happened in the decade of 20, I cannot leave of explanar on the movement of the cultural, literary Rupture that if it carried through the same in the year of the Centenarian of the Independence of Brazil in year that if gave the Tenentista revolt and formation of the communist party happened enters the days the 13-17/02/1922 Week of Modern Art, having as articuladores of the event Di Cavalcanti and the entrepreneur Pablo the Prado that they aimed at to divulge the renewal of the art and thematic Nativista, having as participation some actors of different areas as: painters, sculptors, literatos, architects and intellectuals. The impact was intense next to public who reacted with incompreenso the new tendncias.muitas presentations had been vaiadas the poem of Manuel mainly Flag the Sapos, read for its friend Ronald Oak, was a landmark for our literature therefore was one of first poems Modern of the time since flag followed other literary lines. The point biggest of this modernista movement was to conciliate a imported language of the European vanguard and to state, what it was inside of the Brazilian soul of each participant rescuing our cultural roots with its nativista content.