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New Collapse In Argentina

June 4, 2013 in News Tags:

New collapse in the Argentine economy? 22 June, 2009 there is no risk of an economic collapse to around the corner; If the Government has the will, is not hard to handle (the economic situation), said the renowned Argentine Economist Javier Gonzalez Fraga, to La Nacion last Friday. The problem is that there is not much security that the Government has wanted to twist the course. The legislative elections are approaching in Argentina and when the entire world crisis, in Argentina seems to be that everything is okay. At least since the official view. Important thing becomes a second or third plane and the surface is the most important on the agenda of a Government that only thinks about every day. What better way to synthesize the situation by which crosses Argentina than in the way in which The Economist did in its print edition on Friday: economic nationalism of the Kirchner is leading the country to a dead end.

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