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Georgia South

September 13, 2018 in News Tags: ,

Like, who can predict or predict how the Russian leadership will treat mass protests against the government – and suddenly, in agreement with the authorities of the country against the government will be viewed as a threat life Russian citizens in the territory of that state? Commenting on the Armenian opposition, we note that a balanced and moderate approach of the party “Heritage” yet, it may seem the most realistic and proceeds from the current reality. For the same, to earn a mechanism, which involves Dashnaktsakans, first it is necessary that at the highest international level have been concluded sootstvetstvuyuschee agreement between Armenia and Nagorno-Artsakh. It – long ago (!) Is ready, of course, but not yet signed, and, of course, is not ratified by the parliaments of both republics, Armenia. That is it – the question of the future, if not so very remote. As for the fears of pro-American ultraradikalov, then there should be just an example of last year’s events unfolding in Georgia after the Russian operation to enforce peace in South Ossetia. The Russians went far beyond the fact and South Ossetia and Abkhazia. However, interference in the internal affairs of Georgia, in fact – to help one or another political camp, followed.

So the fears of the Armenian “Fifth column” of the U.S. are groundless. In addition, now the Russian military presence in the CIS quite limited.

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