Economic Scene
July 8, 2012 in News Tags: economy
‘ ECONOMIC SCENE OF BRAZIL AND THE WORLD IN DECEMBER OF 2011’ ‘ Economista and Palestrante Welinton Dos Santos The December month starts with many good new features, the country of $onho$ of many investors, improved the degree of investment for plus a company of evaluation of risk in the last month. Fall of 0,5 points in the tax of interests left the Selic Tax in the platform of 11% to the year, with trend of low for 2.012. The package of aid to the acceleration of the announced Brazilian economy in day 01/12/2011, contemplates the reduction of the IOF of 2% for aliquot zero of of the tax on Operaes Financeiras (IOF) of foreign investments in action in the stock market and cut aliquot of charged IOF of the credit the physical people of 3 for 2,5%, considering to stimulate the credit.
Private headings with more than 4 years for foreigners, had had aliquot of IOF also zeroed, before the charged value were of 6%. With this the government waits to improve financing and the captation of resources on the part of the Brazilian companies. A measure to salutar adopts was to the reduction of IPI (Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados) of the white line, as stoves of 4% for 0%, Tanquinhos of 10% for 0%, coolants and freezers of 15 for 5%. In the package of measures to stimulate the Brazilian economy they are the increase of the minimum ceiling of the program ‘ ‘ My House, My Vida’ ‘ , passing of current R$ 75 a thousand for R$ 85 a thousand. Renewal for plus one year of aliquot zero for flour of wheat for PIS/COFINS and reduction of these taxes on masses, passing of current 9.25% for zero. The measure livened up the markets and immediately the actions of the Brazilian banks had increased.