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Osama Bin Laden

July 8, 2012 in News Tags: ,

For that reason, in the next years, by means of the extraction of fossil resources in Africa an increase is anticipated of the militarization of the continent and the internal rivalries, that are exacerbated in benefit of one or the other power to strengthen their investments and to make difficult the establishment of competitors. CHINA the commercial interchange of China with Africa reached in 2006 US$ 55 billions, hopes that for 2010 that number it increases to US$ 100 billions. Beijing maintains economic relations with almost all the African countries, but Angola, Sudan and Nigeria are clearly their allied majors. The establishment of the Koranic law on the part of the dominant Muslim government of Sudan and the asylum granted to Osama Bin Laden during the last decade, took to that the EE.UU retired their oil investments of the African country. This movement was profiteer by China, that besides settling down like main ally of the Sudanese Arab regime when contributing to him arms so that it fights against the black Christian community of Darfur, that is supported by Washington, has the exclusive feature in the hydrocarbon extraction.

Beijing not only finances the government of Sudan, that refuses a to share the gains with the inhabitants of Darfur, that is of where it extracts the resource, but also does with the guerrillas of Chad, neighboring country of Sudan, that produces petroleum, but is far from the Chinese orbit, since the governing dictatorship is allied of France. The objective of China is to overthrow the chadiano government of Iddris Deby, to extend its area of influence. Nevertheless, Sudan contributes only 5% of the petroleum that China consumes, for that reason Beijing expanded its investments, through its companies CNPC and SINOPEC, to Angola and Nigeria. The civil war of Angola, that finalized in 2002, prevented that hydrocarbons of their subsoil could be extracted, for that reason their deposits remain almost inalterable.

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