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September 28, 2017 in News Tags: , ,

A cream for hands is prepared with sugar moreno and baby oil. To care for the hair, a cream with avocado and two tablespoons of honey. We have a firming mask with a peach and an egg white. Our beauty and that of the planet. Home & organic beauty products are easy to prepare and have many advantages to our health and economy, and the environment. Basically for three reasons: do not use industrial chemicals that may be harmful.

They have one much lower environmental impact. They are much cheaper than commercial products. In Consumer they have made a list of some of them. These are: body scrub is added one cup of salt marina and half of oil for baby in a bowl and put in a screw-top jar to let stand 24 hours. The mixture is stirred and applies to rid the skin of impurities and dead cells. For this reason, massages the skin for a few minutes after the shower and dries. Toning mask beats a clear of egg and the juice of half a lemon casting for three minutes. It is applied directly to the face; leave for 30 minutes; and he clarifies with warm water.

Moisturizer for hands mixing a quarter Cup of sugar moreno and baby oil. Applies as if we lavaramos hands for a minute; then rinsed with lukewarm water. Treatment for skin mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise and oil for children. Applies in the face, neck, elbows, or knees for 20 minutes. Removed with warm water. Firming mask is passed through the Blender a ripe peach and an egg white. Gently spreads the mixture on the face and let Act for 30 minutes. Then rinsed with cold water. Acne cream is boiled a pot with water, pour three tablespoons of oatmeal and let stand five minutes. Meanwhile, passes through a turmix a medium onion to achieve a smooth puree. Added to oatmeal while it is hot. A combination can be used against acne marks two tablespoons of honey, four teaspoons of lemon juice, three of Greek or natural yoghurt and an egg white. Beat everything in a bowl so that it thickens and is applied on the face for 15 minutes. It is then washed with warm water. Treatment for hair stretches the hair a cream from an avocado and two tablespoons of honey for 20-30 minutes. Washing in the usual way. More tricks and creams for the hair care there is more. To create at-home shampoo and conditioner, here you can find the procedures. There are more chances that up can be stored in the fridge, as which point here. Source of the news: homemade beauty products: healthy, cheap and ecological.

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