Voice First Aysenina Assembly
June 28, 2012 in News Tags: the news
A massive encounter under the name ” We raise the voice: First assembly aysenina” it is organizing for Saturday 28 of August the cross-sectional citizen movement that is against to the dams in the Patagonia, and that reunites to multiple basic organizations and communitarian of the Region of Aysn who from the own localities have been mobilized against the projected mega central hydroelectric and electrical laying for its territory. The activities of that weekend will begin Friday 27 with the exhibition, of the 18:00 to the 21:00 hours, of documentary allusive to Patagonia without dams and to the socioambientales conflicts marked by the imposition of the market by mainly ethical use of communal properties like the water, the ground and the air. The organizers who the activity of Saturday 28 will divide with a panel on the history of the movement and the Patagonia campaign without dams, and the main involved aspects informed, as they are the appropriation of the water rights by part private companies and the necessity to generate a matrix viable energetics for Chile. In addition it will exhibit Felix Gonzlez, who was one of the leaders whom the process led by means of which it was obtained that more than 3 thousand neighbors of Penco they gave his company/signature to realise a plebiscite on the possibility of installing a thermoelectrial one to coal in that commune. After to secure such support, the company Southern Cross was stopped of the project. Its presentation will approach the diverse mechanisms of citizen consultation that have been developed in the country. Soon work tables will be satisfied in which subjects like human rights and megaproyectos will be approached, information v/s disinformation, ” Aysn Decide” like proposal by a regional plebiscite, it debates on the type of development that is wanted for the Region of Aysn and citizen strategies to face the projects of dams. In special form there will be a space appointed the children who concur, where they will work in reusability of remainders.
Subsequent to the collective lunch that will be given to the participants, will come the putting in common of the conclusions of the tables, being generated a debate and discussion on the main subjects to approach around the diverse initiatives that the transnational companies look for to develop in the Region of Aysn. As much the exhibition of documentary as the assembly will be in the Josefina Grammar school Aguirre Montenegro de Coyhaique, and the participation to both activities will be abierta and gratuitous, extending the invitation specifically to all the organizations and neighbors of the region who wish to add to this process of reflection and action. From already their participation has confirmed delegations of Aysn Port and several rural localities. That same weekend and in parallel form tie activities in Tortel Creek, the mouth of the Baker river, and in Small Chile, to borders of the General Lake Carrera will be realised.