The Bank
January 21, 2013 in News Tags: affected, crisis, labor, market
It is fundamentally Advisory through 220 consultants to raise productivity. Its aim is that the company will generate their own strengths through services that favor the change processes and save resources. The process begins when a team of specialists of Conindustria attends the company has carry out a pre-evaluation and determined together with the businessman, the most urgent needs of the company on this basis defines the profile of the consultant most appropriate. Technical assistance lasts 90 hours (3 months) and the cost of the hour is $ 60. The employer pays the BID 40% and 60%.
The consultant develops a plan of improvements to a year where sets priority areas, handling of alternatives and decision-making, allocation of human, material and financial resources and information. This phase takes 50 hours. Other services: Coninpyme offers support for the associativity among SMEs. This associativity can be: 1) mutual support: the programme promotes horizontal associativity, which is not but the formation of consortia. Companies have the same degree of participation and contribute with their final products.
It may be the same product and then is associativity with competitive products. In the case of different products but in the same industry, is called associativity of complementary products. Associativity is a mechanism to solidly deal markets. (2) Vertical: Vertical associativity is that complies through the productive chains. Here a company is a provider of another and so on until the last processed or complete the final product. When this last company presents difficulties of competitiveness extends to the entire chain. In the end the sum of all translates into a higher quality product. (3) Exposure at trade fairs and international events: El Banco de Comercio Exterior (Bancoex), funded by a percentage of the costs of exposure at trade fairs and international events, so that the exhibitor has the possibility to show their products. The Bank assumes part of the costs of passage or ospedaje in the city where the fair takes place. To promote exports favors the development of organizations. Example: The Polar group companies: in their infancy were manufacturers of beer and malt, then spread by opening factories in different parts of the national geography and distributors of their products. They have subsequently diversified its production and today produce soft drinks (golden cup), pre-cooked maize flour (bread), edible oil (Diana), margarine (Nelly), rice (Primor) etc. Reference Barreiros, r.: the country industrial. requires a plan universal. body 2 pag 1 26-08 2001 Contreras, Cesar: lack of strategies. latest news pag 18 26 08 2001. Fischietto, Antonella: overvaluation of bolivar does not affect competitiveness of products Venezuelans. carabobeno p. 12 08 2001 a9. Mora v., Carlos: strategic planning of Venezuela. carabobeno pag c6 04-09-2000 original author and source of the article.