March 9, 2013 in News Tags: art, contemporary, known, last, trends
Many psoriasis sufferers are afraid of transmitting the disease to their children. Since psoriasis is not contagious, there is no risk that this baby is passed to caress you or give you chest. However, there is a genetic predisposition to psoriasis. According to studies, the risk of transmission when one parent suffers is 8 to 15%, and when both parents are affected is from 50 to 60%. The sick of psoriasis often worry about staying pregnant. Wonder if the baby develop normally. If you can breastfeed, or if psoriasis worsen during pregnancy.
And are safe for baby drugs you are using? The treatment of pregnant women is problematic, especially if they suffer from severe psoriasis. They should interrupt almost all systemic medication, since it could lead to congenital deformities. Most of systemic treatments have to be interrupted during pregnancy, so dermatologists tend to prescribe topical medications to treat psoriatic lesions. However, drugs for external use are not free of side effects, since they are absorbed by the body. Some of them should be avoided entirely during pregnancy because they are potentially teratogenic. With the exception of emollients, which do not constitute any danger to the mother or the child, these drugs should apply only to limited skin areas. It is noteworthy that methotrexate has side effects on the male sperm. Couples in which the man taking methotrexate should use barrier contraception while taking this medication, and three months after the cessation of treatment.