February 1, 2019 in News Tags: geography
Post-modernity has been each argued time more, either in its mago, either in its consequences, for social sciences. Ahead of diverse quarrels one searchs, in this work, uprising reflections of Geography what Harvey (1999) calls ‘ ‘ Condition After-Moderna’ ‘ , through analysis of the main and more influential bibliographies that deal with this question, as well as geographic works, aiming at to contribute for the study of the recent and new espacialidades and diversified social consequences. INTRODUCTION In the world contemporary we live a new reality in the cultural space, politician and intellectual, or only in them we adaptamos to small the constant evolutions in our daily one. Independently of the reply to this central question, these ‘ ‘ new tempos’ ‘ they had brought new debates in science and, consequently, the accompaniment and the contribution of this quarrel for Geography. This new reality that if places, considered as the age of after-modernity, must have its slight knowledge understood in proper modernity, a time that, even for the semantics, we perceive that one would have secular and/or evolutivas relations from the other. One becomes important, therefore, to portray the main controversies of this period, that as Gomes (2007, p.53) is established by the changes that if had revealed in the ending of sc. XVII and in elapsing of sc. XVIII, correlated to the iluminismo in the Europe.
Such changes provide world-wide influence in century XX in ahead, establishing its interlacement with the construction and evolution of the geographic thought. What it unchains, since defining or looking for to understand what comes to be modernity, in complex debates that permeiam to affirm the contemporaneidade as possible ‘ ‘ after-modernidade’ ‘ or not in a conturbado and metamorfoziado world. The crises of modernity are to the crises of the capitalism and questioned for the contracultural and antimodernistas movements from years 60, they are cerne of the one after-modernismo.