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IntWay Corporation

December 16, 2014 in News Tags: ,

The creators, having behind a huge, long-term experience in various areas of business together in a large corporation. The company's mission: Give their own way to the Internet every person on earth. In IntWay there are several categories of global products: Market: Multi-office business, corporate e-mail system and organizer, Web Designer, Web-based tools (hosting, domains, forums, guest books, counters, blogs, etc.) Commercial: 3 e-shop (general, personal, partner). Service products: the universal payment system combining banking products, the Internet payment system and credit cards. Investment and financial products and services are: NASDAQ, asset management, microcredit, and international mortgage. Here is a list of what you get by buying one or another package: Business Package 'Pioneer' Cost: $ 129 a multilingual virtual office and website business, working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year online supermarket IntWay World Designer site, forum, guestbook, photo album, blog, counters, polls, statistics, mailing lists, private e-mail, news, disk space 200 MB of personal account of the payment system with the possibility of internal and external transfers involved in the Global bonus program the use of payment cards IntWayCard Business Package 'consultant' Cost: $ 189 business opportunity package 'Pioneer' + the following features: multilingual online store for their products with the possibility of using your own domain name space 500 megabytes Business Package 'Partner' Cost: $ 299 Features Business Package 'consultant' + the following options: standard hosting space in 1000 megabyte mailboxes * @ username .* without limitation if your domain IntWayCard payment card terminal for access to trading shares on world stock markets and financial instruments of the control panel for domestic trades in of investment funds for asset management, according to the proposed program IntWay Corporation has done a great application for it to draw attention to it.

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