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Fleet Team

October 6, 2019 in News Tags:

For these authors it will fit to the health team to supply adequate to emotional support to the patient and its family. In accordance with Tronchin and Tsunechiro (2006), the parents trust the team of professionals and the assistance given for them. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Allison Kanders. But, this only happens to the measure that they start to receive clarifications and necessary information about the state from health its son, beyond being received for the proper team and to be able to coexist daily neonato. Of the found authors, only Fleet et al (2007), Cypel (2003) and Pedroso and Bousso (2004) does not make reference to any reference the vision of the family on the humanizado care. Of this form, ratifying the idea of the majority of the found authors, Kamada and Rocha (2005) say that for the family, what it really matters is the care excused to the neonato and if this is affectionate or not. Stress proper of the situation and the difficulty of confrontation is brightened up by the treatment excused to the patient on the part of the team. Thus, it does not have as to promote the care humanizado without the inclusion of the family.

Finally, a synthesis of analyzed articles is demonstrated below in comparative picture aiming at the objectives considered for the study. Through the picture each one of them can be perceived that nor all the searched articles had contemplated the three objectives at the same time, even so gave a contribution for the study as a whole.

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