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Regulating Agent

September 11, 2017 in News Tags:

Energy sector e, consequently the electric sector, presents certain characteristics where an ideal model of full competition is not only impracticable as, if were this the case, would bring social costs and economic greaters of what a model of controlled natural monopoly. The great question is to determine until point the intervention of the State must mold the natural ways of the market, being brought a shock enters the economic efficiency of the markets and well-being (social fairness) of the society, where not necessarily it has alocativa efficiency, but has social and economic profits on account brought of the importance of the sector as precursory of the development of determined nation (ARAJO, 2005). In a sector with great economies of scale and target and with great barriers to the entrance and exit of new agents the regulating paper of the State is essential to guarantee the quality of the service and to control the practised costs and tariffs, this yes, the great challenge in way to the third imperfection, of the difficulty to get information. The other way would be the State acting as the agent, being it monopolista it of the sector. In this in case that, the great doubt if return for the capacity of the State to promote improvements techniques that would allow in the future one better way in search of the efficiency. In short, the thesis of that the private capital, exactly regulated, is not more efficient of what the public capital (FRIEDMAN, 1985). We arrive therefore at the quandary of the Regulating Agent. Why to regulate, as to regulate and in which cases regular? It is what we will treat in the next section. 2REGULAO AND the MINIMIZAO OF the MARKET IMPERFECTIONS the regulatory activity most of the time retraces to all the history of the civilization, being associated to the presence of a strong central State.

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