March 25, 2016 in News Tags: health
Treatment is usually an outpatient basis. Patients come to the procedure at the beginning of treatment daily for 7-10 days. In the future the multiplicity of procedures selected for each patient is strictly individually, 1-3 times a week and even less during the control observations. Of 483 patients entered into the statistical development in 1993, the effectiveness of treatment was: immediate – 99,6%, distant – 90,7%, including the localization of the psoriatic scalp. Criterion of effectiveness is – to achieve clinical and cosmetic comfort in patients with psoriasis and resistance stages of clinical and cosmetic comfort more than one year. To study the possibility of cryotherapy in the complex orthodox and traditional treatment, we studied the immune status in 23 patients with common psoriasis in the progressive stage. To analyze the immune status tests used in the second level, including characterize the autoimmune processes of humoral and cell type, and concentration of skin antigen.
Immune status of patients evaluated in the dynamics: before treatment, after a month and a Three months after treatment with cryotherapy conduct, providing remission expressed a tendency to normalization of immune status. It is accompanied by significant activation of autoimmune processes of humoral and cell types, aimed at removing the skin antigen. In this case, even their highest level in the initial stage of treatment and observation suggests a protective role. The latter circumstance confirmed by decreased after 3 months after treatment, the level of autoimmune reactions, compared with the concentration of skin antigen which was detected in all patients with high concentrations of one month after treatment. By We believe that immunological tests are of great importance in diagnosis, assessment of treatment and prognosis of psoriasis, including for judging the effectiveness of cryotherapy. Defining the parameters of immunological control in patients Psoriasis is an accounting test nst and autoimmune processes of cell type to skin antigen.
According to our data for the period of exacerbation and remission, these figures are typical of the dynamics that makes them sufficiently informative and to recommend for practical dermatology. Principle of a discrete very low temperatures impact directly on the skin efflorescence can be used in many chronic skin diseases, because of its very high efficiency. Such diseases include: neurodermatitis, eczema, scleroderma, eritomatoz, lichen planus, senile keratoses, lentigines, limited heylity, leukoplakia, corns, calluses and dry, etc. It is impossible to enumerate all the nosology in which discrete cryosurgery simplifies and reduces the treatment process, repeatedly and efficiently increases the effectiveness of therapy.