August 29, 2018 in News Tags: other-articles
Civil Service graduates, was a measure imposed by the Government military of Morales Bermudez in late 1976, it was imposed amid great opposition of the student movement, was imposed to sticks and clean repression, had serious flaws. Already first that the Secigrista was neither doctor nor student, had finished his internship, but not given the title until you do the secigra and they did carry out without medical, it was an illegal exercise of the profession, by which prescribed and attended without being titled or collegiate. Second as not they were physicians, they gave them no salary, but gratuities. Third they sent them to very dangerous places, several doctors were killed when they went to your center or clinic to do his secigra, by accident, even had to travel in loin, mares horses and donkeys to get to inhospitable places. In 1980 and 1981, we had him cornered to the Secigra, because he ruled Belaunde, at a meeting in Lima with the Salud Minister Dr. Uriel Garcia, percibimos(los miembros de una Coordinadora Nacional de lucha contra el) Secigra Willy Soria presiding) that it was a matter of pressure and we brought it down to the Secigra, so in a meeting of leaders agreed to take by assault the premises of the Ministry of health in the Peru and the date was set. Trujillo had a Committee that integrated it Gladys Nunez for nursing, Villacorta by Pharmacy and the undersigned by medicine, the agreed day, formed a command, this group then went to the local health Region that remained in urbanization spring in Santa Ines, committed 12, only got 4, it was a measure of force, osada, fleetingquick, accompanied me Luis Linares Caffo, lower year student, so I went and in fast action, we reduce the Guard (who was a student of biology at UNT) and we take the local.