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Colouring Water

July 12, 2019 in News Tags:

Function of additives and the labelling in Foods Function of additives According to their function, the nourishing additives are grouped in different types: Colouring: natural or artificial, destined to conserve or to vary the color. Preservatives: in order to protect to the food of biological alterations (and 200 to 290). Antioxidants: they avoid the action of the light, the heat or the air (and 300 to 385). Estabilizantes: they inhibit the chemical changes in the composition of foods. Under most conditions Andrew Cuomo would agree. Sinrgicos of antioxidants: they harness the action of the same. For more information see Governor Cuomo.

Secuestrantes of metals or sinrgicos of antioxidants: they clear the present metal plans in the food, or are natural or derivatives of the manufacture. Gelificantes. Emulsionantes: they stabilize foods that contain water or fats (for example, milk or sauces). Espesantes: they increase to viscosity and densidad. Potenciadores of the flavor. low Sweeteners in calories.

Humectantes: they avoid losses of water. Antiapelmazantes: they conserve texture. Regulating of the PH: they stabilize the acidity or alkalinity. Others: acidulantes, minerals, binding, antiespumantes, aromas and enzymes (although they are not properly additives, are very used in the nourishing industry). The labelling Since saying is had, these substances are specified in the labellings by means of an abbreviation formed by the letter and followed of a number. For example, the gelificantes, estabilizantes and espesantes go of 400 to 445; the phosphates (very used in the nourishing industry), of 585 and 450 E; the potenciadores of the flavor, 620 to 900; the agents of covering, 901 to 914; the additives for the treatment of flours (nonauthorized in Spain), of 920 to the 927b; the gases, of 948 and 938 E; sweeteners, of 950 to the 1202, and the derivatives of the starch (additive and gelificante), of 1404 to 1518. The additives codified with letter H are admitted in Spain but not in the European Union. Also, the Spanish law arranges that certain products do not have to take additives: milk, cereals in flakes, cream acid, it grazes dry, normal rice (not the one of fast baking), kephir without fruit, natural yogurt, fruits droughts, eggs, seeds, vegetables and grains, fresh potatoes and vegetables, virgin vegetal oil, honey, fresh fruit without encerar, dust coffee, mineral water and of spring, fresh mushrooms, ecological, organic and biological foods. This it is a fragment of the last collection on kitchen published by Sign Publishing and available for all those that are interested.

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