Franois Chesnais Menor
July 6, 2012 in News Tags: economy
For opportune, we agree to Franois Chesnais in regards to the hypothesis for raised it of a variant of the theory of ‘ ‘ autonomia’ ‘ of the finances where this if ‘ ‘ he frees, if he detaches, of the economy real’ ‘ , as Frdric Lordon suggests. However, to ours to see, the Brazilian finance (the Stock market) would not be detached from the real economy, only some few months, but some years. In this direction, in our work (8), carried through in May of 2006, we observe that in pension fund the Brazilian ones, detainers of significant parcel of our burstil capitalizaton, the effect ‘ ‘ menor’ ‘ they would only be perceived in approximately 10 years, as it follows: (…) Thus, to each year, it is widened breach between what if it must pay to the pensioners and pensioners and the value of the investments of the pension funds.
Not obstante, as these effect ‘ ‘ menor’ ‘ they will only be perceived directly in future esteem in ten years, given to the demographic peculiarities of the groups of associates, the elasticity can be ‘ ‘ absorvida’ ‘ for the current controllers. In this strategy of ‘ ‘ to pass the mico for frente’ ‘ , at that moment it only is that they will effectively go to lack resources to pay the retirements. , As we observe in the work, in this manner above-named (8 (: What all know is what already it happened or what it became obvious.