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Courses Italian

January 31, 2019 in News Tags:

To a visitor it can be to him difficult to decide what to visit just a short time in del that, normally, arranges in a trip. The places most important to visit are: Pisa – it is a city with greatness of capital but with atmosphere of province; it is a full city of light thanks to his proximity with the sea. Pisa is surrounded by walls with narrow doors almost completely. The Field dei Miracoli is the image of the city along with the Duomo, the Batisterio and to Inclined Tower. All the monuments belong to century XI and XII and found the Romance and classic styles wonderfully. Lucca – rich Earth in cultures of string beans and olives, and cradle of hands goldsmiths, that is Lucca. Besides a beautiful pink city of ceilings, old high facades of house, catalogued Romance churches like best of Romanesque pisano and the everything preserved of modernity thanks to the wall surrounds that it.

The peculiar urbanism of Lucca does not leave nobody indifferent one, winding small streets and houses that form circles to lodge amphitheatres. San Gimignao- was appointed like world-wide cultural legacy by UNESCO. In the middle of smooth seeded hill landscape of olive trees and vines, yergue stoic San Gemignano crowning itself a hill with its fourteen gray stone towers. The city completely is surrounded by a wall with five doors. The enchantment of the medieval time yet is a city, is constructed almost in its totality of brick. Siena – it is a seated gothic city on an irregular land formed by reddish earth hills, within very ample walls. A tide of red ceilings emerges the tower from the Public Palazzo, incomparable elegance, and the ship of its immense cathedral, with its black and white strips. Siena has two important artistic sets, the first Piazza of the Field and the Piazza of the Duomo.

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