August 7, 2013 in News Tags: energies-renewable, power, renewable-energy
Plates solar capture and maintain solar energy, wind mills that generate energy with the force of this or control the energy produced by water there are many renewable energy and increasingly, enterprises as Acciona innovate them and include them in their sustainable projects. While it is true that they are more expensive, renewable energies have become a good alternative to non-renewable energy, because these are limited and the first does not. Types of renewable energy to) wind energy: is energy obtained through the wind. Enterprises as Acciona are responsible for capturing the kinetic energy, store it and transform it into a useful for our daily life energy. (b) biomass: it is used as fuel term and is used to produce electricity. This renewable energy consists of the use of organic and inorganic materials that are generated in biological or mechanical processes.
For example, they come from substances generated by the plants, people or animals. (c) solar: Acciona, among other companies, they capture the light and heat emitted by the Sun. The two most common aspects are thermal energy and photovoltaic energy, the first is used to produce hot water and the second to generate electricity. (d) Hydro: is a renewable energy less well known than the previous ones. It is based on the exploitation of the potential energy of the water. The main drawback of this type of renewable energy is that despite often being inexhaustible, it creates a strong environmental impact by having to create large swamps to obtain. (e) tidal: this relies on the tides, thanks to the clutch of an alternator, electricity is generated. (f) geothermal: exploits the heat from the Earth’s interior and although their installation is very expensive, in the long run is very profitable. Countries such as Germany are already implementing it in the country and Acciona has also included it in his type of renewable energy available. Enterprises as Acciona have developed numerous projects in which renewable energies are their main protagonists.