Benefits Agroecotourism
September 15, 2019 in News Tags: countries travel
Agro-eco-tourism is a new trend of small and medium-sized businesses in the area of tourism. Agro-eco-tourism allows not only to relax, leave the bustling city, to forget problems, but also learn the history of one or a region and locality, but also to participate in it. Very often the owners of estates offer their customers a dalliance with a national flavor: part in traditional celebrations and rituals that brings people and traditional country’s culture. It may seem that this visit Agro-eco-tourism godforsaken places with poor infrastructure and living conditions. But the reality is quite the opposite, seemingly simple village houses, usually inside equipped with all necessary for comfortable living of modern man, wireless internet, high-tech appliances, swimming pools, all of this is widespread in suburban estates.
Many owners of country estates dig special water-planters, which are bred valuable species of fish. Offer rides on bikes or quads on special tourist routes. We must not forget traditional forms of recreation: sauna, barbecues, picking mushrooms, etc. All this makes Agro-eco-tourism suitable pastime for most people, while in this area prices are often more than modest.