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World Tourism Organization

August 29, 2013 in News Tags:

The World Tourism Organization committed to the sustainability of this economic activity 21/7/2005 (Ecoestrategia).-very often says that tourism is the industry without chimneys, however is still far from being a sector of the economy from zero impact on the environment and natural resources. Proof of this is the pressure generated by the large influx of tourists on the Mediterranean coast, the largest spa of Europeans (150 million tourists every year) in this summer. Visitors increase local consumption of energy and water (which is scarce in the Iberian peninsula due to the severe drought), produce more waste and burn more polluting fuel on their travels. The above without the damage that can occur on open to so-called ecotourism natural reservations, when this is done without proper planning and without counting with the participation of the native communities, especially in those regions of the planet’s high biodiversity where ecological richness It coexists with human poverty. However, the maximum international agency of the branch, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), yes believe in the viability of sustainable tourism, affirming institutionally that the guidelines for the sustainable development of tourism and the practices sustainable management are applicable to all forms of tourism in all types of destinations, including the tourism of masses and different tourist segments. For the UNWTO tourism is sustainable when optimum use to environmental resources that are a key element of the development of tourism, while maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural resources and biological diversity. Other two requirements, referred to by the WTO to consolidate tourism as a sustainable industry, are: respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities (retaining its architectural cultural assets and their traditional values, and contributing to the understanding and intercultural tolerance); and ensure a viable economic activities to long term, among which are counted opportunities for stable employment and obtain income and social services for host communities, thus contributing to the reduction of poverty.

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