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Translation Agencies

January 9, 2017 in News Tags:

The main principle of any translation agency – the professionalism that you want either prove or confirm the recommendation of a friend. If neither one nor the other not, it takes effect theory of first impression. As a rule, first encounter begins with a phone call So I decided to make a little crash-test first impression of the resulting telephone communication with the translation of the city of . Should noted that in the test were only known, or had time to advertise the company itself. Before you sit for long telephone conversations I armed with a list of tricky, in my opinion matters.

The first test call was unsuccessful – the company ceased to exist. Probably triggered the law – "worst-first". Nevertheless, after the first call I was able to build a chain of criteria, which create the very general picture sympathy or antipathy. One of the criteria, time-saving (and money) I called – the speed dial. If after the third set of numbers you hear persistent long beeps – appears the impression that you do not want to talk (Negative). Short signals are "busy" cause a dual impression on one side interest – do they work so well that in the morning they did not call? On the other – and not whether I am more than? The next test I conditionally called "Reaction rate", ie the rate at which charge "enters into the problem." Count "sociability" I have devoted a desire to communicate with me as a potential customer.

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