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The Ranks

June 28, 2012 in News Tags:

In this context, one becomes of basic importance to verify if the PIT' s of the city of Aracaju is prepared to receive the tourists from a vision from shelter of the tourist in the visited place, a time that through the PIT? s can be consolidated the hospitality in the tourist product. The EMSETUR and the ranks of tourist information: Analyses and perspectives the Sergipana Company of tourism EMSETUR/SA is an autarchy, with almost 40 years in the segment of the tourism, constituted under form of mixing economy, with proper patrimony and administrative and financial autonomy. She is a company who has as objective to develop directed public politics for the marketing of the tourism in Sergipe. Amongst its action, we can cite the inclusion through the tourism, development of the productive chain and promotion of the sergipano tourism. The company constructs and consolidates a good image in the sector. However, valley to stand out that the EMSETUR faces some difficulties due the change of the governmental leaders, for the discontinuity of the actions of promotion and for the constant change of the collaborators. The Ranks of information of the Road, of the edge of Atalaia, the center of artesanato and the airport directly are subordinated the EMSETUR and are part of the project of promotion of the sergipano tourism through actions come back toward the hospitality in the tourist destination. THE PIT? s also is part of the strategies of Marketing of the company to present a well structuralized product for the development of tourist activity in a general way. Leaving of this context, the four ranks co-ordinated for the EMSETUR had been analyzed based in the criteria considered important for the quality in the tourist product: ) the physical aspects and of access; b) material printed matter; c) attendants e; d) verbal information, as can below be observed.

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