The Jonas
February 14, 2019 in News Tags: biblical studies
Now a people without commitment with Jehovah comes and says so that Jesus gives a signal to it that It is really the son of God, the messias that would come. our Jesus says that the signal already was given and this signal was brought in them by prophet Ion or Jonas. QUEM WAS PROPHET JONAS? My opinion is that this has been the preaching greater of all the times after Jesus, therefore believes that the biggest message who exists is well prepared theologically, with cultured language and the eclectic parameters, but the biggest message that exists is that one that has effect to change the life of the listeners. Jonas is yes the preaching greater, therefore it nailed a message of shortness, but of great effect in the life of the Ninivitas (' ' Gods repent themselves or destruir' '). Exactly it having a disaffection with the Ninivitas, it nailed and same without believing that they were to hear and to obey the word of God.
This prophet was son of Amitai, a native of Gate-Hefer, one vilarejo situated the 5 km to the northwest of Nazar, inside of the border of Zebulom. It augured during the reign of Jeroboo II and preceded Ams prophet, as it said, it was the only Jewish prophet to nail for the heathen ones. The Jonas name means ' ' pomba' ' or ' ' pombo' ' , therefore it was that one that would take in the tips of its wing the message that later would be a reference for Jesus. How much its character, it is represented as stubborn, irritated, mal-humorado, impatient. Jonas had great antipatia for the Assyrians, therefore Nnive was the capital of that people, and Jonas wise person very as well as the Assyrians had damaged its people, therefore it opposes to obey, but nobody can oppose the will of God.