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The Imperative

September 3, 2019 in News Tags:

When perceiving this emptiness, tends to fill it with material things, with what always he was conditional to make: to consume. Western Union usually is spot on. Incapable of to work its problems and close crises, searchs ' ' solues' ' but in the world of the exterioridades or appearances or it enters in crisis, as the depressions. Here, Frank Armijo expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In this search, it can go to the meeting of the drugs, legal and illegal, that wave as ' ' solution mgica' ' it life to continue ' ' without problemas' '. The imediatizao of the life demands more efficient and fast ways for the acquisition it pleasure, and the freedom, destitute of its counterpart that is the responsibility, of, for people orphans of ethical principles, the endorsement of if being able to make what it will want. these people are ethics orphans because? Perhaps because interest to the consumption market that the people do not think in such a way, only consummates The consumption of merchandises of the Culture of the Narcissism if presents with the promise to supplant the tried tdio, fatigue, futilidade and the emptiness daily for the people. Another mark of the current times is the difficulty that the people tmde to assume commitments. We could relate this data with the fact of that perhaps the individuals of the one after modernity long for an emotional unfastening, will not need, will deal with the risks of instability caused by the social relations. The idea seems to be of if obtaining an unfastening, indifference state, as factor of protection against its proper impulses in favor of an interior balance. What it is observed is the solitude, the emptiness, the difficulty to feel, of being carried to is of itself. The cult to the individualism, the lack of commitment and social conscience, the imperative of having on the being leads to an increasing feeling of isolation, with the establishment of the impessoalidade and the perception of the other as strange.

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