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Teachers And Schools

December 2, 2024 in News Tags:

From politicians to businessmen, professionals and civil servants, businessmen and intellectuals, all they care about the image. They all took to improve what they show of themselves to others with whom they work. They do training for the improvement of the image with specialists, we must recognize that not always successful, but the fact is that concern for the image is in all or almost all. By listening attentively to the voices of teachers never heard worrying about the image. If you listen to the owners of private schools to talk about the image of the school, talking and marquetin is to grow the confidence of parents in this school who run and want to be seen as a company … (like more the word than the word school.) Achieved with great effort that the school has some pictures supposedly business. Some presentation in the entrance hall, the front of the building, perhaps the children's uniforms, the brochures to promote institution is usually from the business style of designs and formats used.

What s happening in the schools attended by poor children in the system? Here the teachers do not speak of the image. Do not listen to say anything about the image of the school or on the image itself. (Similarly see: Western Union). Why? The teachers of poor children do not talk about because they build image image all the time. They are the image and know it. There will be exceptions, certainly.

Usually, that teacher that looks tired, not having gone through the salon, with a somewhat worn dust, many books in his backpack, in a hurry to make and build, always a free hand to caress a tousled head, always a smile to lift the spirits, with sharp eyes to give confidence to set limits firmly, pleasant voice to comfort, memory to remember qualities and highlight them with words of support and encouragement, is the daily scene of Argentina's poorest schools . No brochures, business undecorated, without thinking too much, because there is no time, only with the passion of every day in the service of education to construct, modify and deconstruct what moves us as a society: knowledge. Knowledge are the defining images of Argentine teachers. The daily actions, even under the most adverse conditions, and build knowledge promoted the image of Argentine teachers, where poverty abounds and children demand attention. Perhaps some time when poverty begins to decrease and worried about the image, that image, that of the brochures, for now the image is carried inside, deep inside. Maybe one day the poverty of students and teachers is less than at present and the heads move to the hairdresser more often, gaurdapolvos and not look as faded uniforms, entrance halls schools more comfortable, the rooms have furniture new computers are latest generation and the images of poverty are transformed into images of greater development and prosperity. If we add to the general welfare passion for .. teach how to give good image to achieve education in Argentina Must we wait too long for it? and if we start now?

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