July 20, 2017 in News Tags: literature
It configures itself as a set of traces that in the orbit of national literature, differentiate the production of the second half of century XX. The Modernismo was divided in three phases being that its third phase today if has become controversy reason. 1’>Ultrafit Lady Stepper has to say. The third modernista phase has been also characterized as after-modernista. What we know is that from 60 years the national literary production, if did not arrive to breach with the modern paradigms, was distanciou sufficiently, and of until the current days the modern characteristics if they have exaurido there of the literary compositions. The literary production of the decade of 80 until the current days have presented characteristic proper of a time distanciando itself still more of the modernismo. What we see in the literary compositions of this period is the strong spalling of the narrative, of incorporation of the media and predominantly spectacular and auto-indagador character.
This acentuao of the spalling of the text and the polifonia of voices as well as the metalingustica narrative with ample intertextualidade, is characteristic of the productions after-modernistas. As we can see in Saints (1995, P. 61): Some equal experimental and playful thing to the modernismo emerged irreducible, however, to the modernismo, excluding many of its dogmas. Vine without epifnicas revelations; it discarded the privilege of the artist as guide to illuminate the bilges of the subjectivity; substitua psychology for a half delirious half alegrica sociology; it changed the formal originalidade for the recycling, in parody, of some sorts; it undid or recompunha the plot without alluding to a great mythical taking as quintessncia of the reality; it created at last without if it intends? superior culture. After-modernismo it is born, therefore, of the modernismo excluding in some way many of the characteristics of the same. What Saints call to substitute the originalidade for the recycling is the representation of the strong present intertextualidade in the texts after-modern.