June 26, 2012 in News Tags: summaries and summaries
Projects developed and in development GLORY OF DOURADOS-MS 2010-12-15 In our city are developed projects and programs for the Secretariat of Social Assistance, amongst them: Program of eradication of the infantile work, (PETI), installed in the guard? mirim, where the children and adolescents participate of some activities as: band, chorale, lesson of violo, music, chess, swimming, artesanato in MDF (decopagem), dance and recycling, with resource of the three spheres (federal state and municipal); Specialized center of Reference of Assistncia Social (CREAS) that it develops the projects as: Cinema in the Home and the project Violence Against Woman, kept for resources state and federal; Center of Reference of Assistncia Social (CRAS). develops projects and programs as: project Fortifying the Family (acting with lectures and courses of generation and income); program free pass of the aged one and the deficient one, Stock market Family and Center of Convivncia of the Aged one, kept with federal resource. House of craftsman and Chorale of the Glrinhas, kept for municipal resource, Pro-Young, project in implantation phase. Through interview carried through with the Social Assistant of the CRAS we choose the project FORTIFYING the FAMILY – developed by the CRAS, has as objective to manage the introduction of together partner-educative work the families benefited for the programs Stock market Family, valley-income and the ones that are registered in cadastre in the CRAS/PAIF, thus taking care of the families in social vulnerability. The families in small groups are selected, enclosing the families with auto deficit of social exclusion, breaking, abuses (all the ones that had had its violated rights). The executed methodologies are partner-educative lectures and courses of generation and income, with the objective to prevent, to receive, to guide and to direct. The meeting are carried through a time for month, are chosen a leader in the group, that are the women. The main actions of the project are: To follow and to stimulate the families for its social development staff; To identify and to fortify the potentialities of the families and to extend cultural, social and informacional the universe available; It can be Intragrupo (that it involves the constitution of the group and each representative of the family) or Extra group (that involves the territorial extension and the construction of social nets, health, education, etc One of the difficulties in the accomplishment of the project is the lack of participation of the referenciadas families, that takes the coordinators of the project to notify those families the suspension of the benefit if it will not have frequency; another difficulty is the physical space. Inside of the families selected in the project, 50%, had passed of the process of qualification for the process of income generation, those that not yet are commercializing, are making for its proper use, having this as objective reached. They are families who had had increase of its auto-esteem and valuation of its work.