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July 16, 2012 in News Tags:

Joel liked to help the women of the quarter with the purchases of the hipermercado one. When they offered money to it for the service, it ' ' ousava' ' not to accept. ' ' It only sees boy! Pegue.' ' , it said Snia owner, woman to it of a judge pensioner. This and other attitudes made of small the very characteristic one. A woman, in special, was who more adored that one boy. The teacher Ines.

She tries to take it for shelters, without success, looked aid in advice to tutor. Nothing she advanced. ' ' We go to adopt it love? ' ' , it asked for to the husband. ' ' I do not want delinquent here! ' ' , it gave for locking up the colloquy, troncudamente the husband. While the husband was, Ines helped the young to read and to write in the square, of time in when comings of the trees knocked down for travessos periquitos were interrupted by some seeds Teacher and pupil she smiles gladly. It was difficult to convince the young to have confidence in the woman who calls ' ' The Homi' ' , as the street inhabitants nickname the advice to tutor or the staff of the city hall. However he joined them to the friendship. The boy was growing.

To the 17 years already the affection of before did not have more stops with the people. It made it thus to the life. It could not support the pressure of the system, was literally, insuportvel to be good the remaining portion of the life. It Needed to survive. Of time in when it passed to the door of the house of the teacher. Saw it, ran until the door. Garrafinha with juice, cake gave one to it and was said farewell affectionately, calling it ' ' mine filho' '.

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