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National Plan

March 5, 2014 in News Tags:

The National Plan of Education? PNE has as objective: the global rise of the level of escolaridade of the population; the improvement of the quality of education in all the levels; the reduction of the social and regional inaqualities in regards to the access and to the permanence, successfully, in the public education? democratization of the management of public education, in the official establishments, obeying the principles of the participation of the professionals of the education in the elaboration of the pedagogical project of the school and the participation of the communities pertaining to school and local in pertaining to school advice or equivalents. In the year of 2006, n 11274 was sancionada the law, for the president of the Republic Luiz Incio Lula da Silva who modified the LDB to increase the minimum escolaridade of eight for nine years, as goal to improve the quality of the education in our country. When guaranteeing for law that all the children frequentam the school from the 6 years of age. In this direction, the subjective public law is supported in such a way by the principle that it is, thus for its character of base and its finalstica orientation, how much for an explicit sanction when of its negation for the individual-citizen. For these eight years that were modified for nine years obligator it does not have discrimination of age. Any young, aged adult or have this right and can at any time exigiz it before the law. Bobbio, (1992, p.61) affirms: when the calls are born subjective public laws, that characterize the Rule of law. It is with the birth of the Rule of law that occurs the final ticket of the point of view of the prince for the point of view of the citizens.

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