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MLM Marketing

February 9, 2015 in News

Looks like this public opinion on the "network business, as an alternative employment." Very interesting! Most of the population of Russia at every step crying about malehankoy wage share of difficult and real offers on earning assets-defying! As a matter of fact – is nonsense! People are asking, and sometimes even require a country horoshooplachivemoy prestigious job, and the alternative proposals do not even pay attention, or rather perceive a hostile reception in the main mass. Few become thoughtful about this issue, you do not quite dvuhsmyslennye findings are quite simply explains the situation. Our people, for the most part, on genetic level, completely estranged from the initiative. All still want to receive a measured wages only for specific work done with his hands so as not to further their own noses to think what will be the initial products of their own labor, who will buy onuyu who will implement it. Here, Here, for example, I did what I uttered – give money, the rest does not bother me! It is because we have had great difficulty making its the way a small business – no one wants to take responsibility all the way! The country has plenty of professionals in various fields of life, and most sell their own work for next to nothing because of their Economic illiteracy-1-x, and secondly, because of the common timidity of the unknown. Until that time, a certain part of our community believes that the entrepreneurship – it's legalized theft, that earn great money honestly – unbelievable! All this from the slave psychology! Beginning with the well-known events of October of last century, komunisty cleaned etched from the Russian human feeling and poniyatie civilized business. Because MLM is like no one else gives everyone a chance to fly on their own social ladder, but, unfortunately, it uses a very small proportion of the working population. Only in the most recent years of ice doubts about online business has gradually melt away, but these rates are minuscule! In fact, network marketing – a school of any business! After all, he could lose a guy, if he for any reason not has developed a business? Absolutely no penalties to pay should not, the huge interest on loans obtained for business development need not pay, the balance of a product that is not sold out! It's even hard to call a failure! What kind of crash? The man was unable to bring to its logical end their job – or because of circumstances, whether from laziness or from their own folly, and throws it here and said that network marketing is a friggin 'fraud and Fraud! And all around with an outstretched hand walk, but run the distributor of any products, goods or services considered above its proletarian dignity! That this is what strikes most in the world! Edit its low-paid profession to another does not want much! But most of them specifically, and complains of a bad job! Our people have learned to "sovdepovskie times," choose a job according to the principle – though not a lot of paying, but there is an opportunity zakolymit, steal, and he borrowed for free! And no one is going to change this job for another, more funded, civilized – because the desire for a happy – miserable! We believe that Network marketing will eventually flourish, to educate public opinion and a completely new generation of entrepreneurs, which will enrich and country!

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