Kriya Yoga
January 30, 2013 in News Tags: art, communication, football, parties
To untie the rope of breath which binds the soul to the body, Kriya serves to prolong life and expand the consciousness to infinity. Yoga method exceeds the Strip and tug of war between the mind and the senses tied to matter and frees the devotee to recover his inheritance to the eternal Kingdom.Paramhansa Yogananda in the measure that we are awake attentive in everything concerning not only our personal growth, but with the spiritual, find teaching legacies left by those who have reached a spiritual growth which managed it to identify himself with Eastern teachings that enclose many transmutation, alchemy that helps us to delve into our awakening. Many times we have read that when the disciple is ready, appears the master. The Christian Bible says, to all who received him, he gave them the power to become children of God (John 1: 12). The great masters have a magnetism that attracts many people, only those who are prepared can receive all of the teachings and grace of the master.
The followers of a teacher feel happy to be with him and feel elevated by his presence and words. The teacher gives them a message of encouragement and inspiration. Disciples of a master are those who are willing to follow not only the physical presence of the teacher, but, more importantly, its metaphysical Council. They accept its discipline and undertake rigorous work required to achieve a very valuable teaching perfection is everything related to Kriya Yoga. Is known and we are reminded that within the Yoga philosophy, and considered the most powerful weapon in evolution of consciousness, the Lord Shiva projected higher instruction for self realization: the science of the Kriya Yoga.El Mahavatar Babaji is the vehicle and executor of love’s father Lord Shiva, and it is he who has given to humanity these powerful techniques, and has projected, over the centuries, this wisdom to his most elevated disciples.