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Generate Brand Experiences

July 8, 2016 in News Tags:

Communications competition between different providers is growing promotion agencies in Frankfurt am Main, what communication tools requires constant adjustments. The adjustments are necessary by changing technical and media opportunities and dynamic changes in the area of the company. Increased in importance in recent years of particularly promotions. Used now increasingly oriented measures by companies as a strategy. The role as a purely tactical operational element belongs to the past. Therefore, the use of promotions along with other communication tools is the logical consequence. A direct and uninterrupted communication between producer and consumer is made possible by promotions, which makes possible the goal of immediate and direct promotion of the advertised product. Fast implementation with high efficiency and low scattering losses is, together with the relatively low cost, especially.

The increase in the importance of promotions caused by different factors. Supporting communication of the advantages of the advertised product at the point is of sale required by the increase in the number of new product launches. The complex distinction between brand and product is the customers heaped introduction of me-too”products hard in addition. Innovative promotions help the buyer the differentiation of the brand from competitors, create attention and communicate the positioning. Demand is driven to promotions in addition by the change from the seller to the buyer’s market. The so far valid sales strategy to place products for the sale only on shelves, no longer leads to success.

However, active communication and contact with the customer are necessary. Sales also the has become poor price / performance ratio of the classical media effect. Much better targeted can be promotions, because they create a brand experience that is anchored directly cognitive interactivity. As a result of increased importance of promotion within the marketing mix promotion agencies in Germany have risen sharply. Therefore recommend experts to companies for cooperation. They are able to plan creative actions, perform these actions on the basis of its long experience and lead campaigns to success. A carefully created concept must serve as a basis, finally decide at the point of a positive purchase decision of sale only a few moments. Those few moments are important because around 70 percent have positive affect to the own brand and. Creative conducted promotion can draw the focus of the consumer on their own products. AIDS for can be tastings, events, street promotions or trade. With 1.8 million inhabitants, Frankfurt is a convenient location for promotions. In addition to many professionally made promotional agencies, in particular the many inhabitants allow the speech of a wide variety of potential consumers. The Frankfurt-based agencies combined their competencies in a large network consisting of creative minds and specialists. So you can achieve optimal results. However, the increased number of promotion agencies intensified the competition. Thus, many providers are under pressure to differentiate from their competitors by as creative and unusual concepts. It is their creativity without limits ever fallen out, the better, is the motto. To achieve this goal, promotional agencies take advantage of new forms of media for their campaigns and will look in the near future on creative possibilities. Finally, they want to find not only their position in the market, but especially in the long term store. J.

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