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Frdric Lordon

June 25, 2012 in News Tags:

There seconde dimension of ' 'l' autonomie woollen finance ' ' est sound ability to vivre (aussi longtemps qu' il n' y the shovels krach or dysfonctionnement srieux DES marchs financiers) dans un univers cloisonn, protg et auto-organis, propice to l' closion of toutes les magies, illusions et conceptions ftiches auxquelles DES spcialistes mduss et inquiets ont donn le nom of ' 'finance virtuelle' ' (Bourguinat, 1995). L' autonomie dont there finance jouit sur ce plan (of faon ncessairement passagre), repose sur DES mcanismes you intern of fixation DES prix DES titres prodaily pay aux marchs financiers. Ces mcanismes, qui sont endognes to there liquidit, ont pour effet d' to augmenter valeur there nominale DES actifs or crances en vertu woollen seule volont du march, en dehors of tout lien avec l' tat vritable DES indicateurs ' 'fondamentaux ' ' (3) (grifo and boldface ours). 3. THE FORM NECESSARILY PASSENGER Finally, Franois Chesnais (5), interpreting Frdric Lordon, indicates the form necessarily passenger of the alchemy of the financial centralization. This would occur by means of an extreme version of the theory of ' autonomia' from the finances where this if frees, if it detaches, exactly that for some few months, of the real economy, as the following one: The thesis of Lordon is of one ' ' route of coliso' ' of the Stock market in the direction of the high one, mainly supported for the internal mechanisms of the market. In accordance with it, collated with ' ' one of the contradictions central offices (…) of the regimen of acumulao' ' , that on one to the fact of ' ' the requirement of financial yield, celebrities 15% of return on the deep ones proper, (…) to very exceed the objective possibilities of profitability of a great number of economic activities for which if aplica' ' , the markets would have been obliged ' ' to pass in total return, valley to say, to incorporate the flows of extracted profit of the production the more-values related to the dynamics of quotation of ativos' '.

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