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Eco-Office Design

December 20, 2024 in News Tags: ,

Abschlussdokumentatione of the survey of “Green Office” the discussion about climate change does not break off, more and more people deal with questions relating to the reduction of CO2 emissions and sustainability. For the sake, companies are increasingly required to address this issue and to take concrete actions, sustainable technologies and to realize concepts in their operating not only the environment. The challenge here is to take into account environmental, economic and social interests. An inventory, the Fraunhofer IAO whether and to what extent German companies already have implemented sustainability in their operations, puts on the basis of the results of the online survey Green Office “, in the period from May to October 2009 over 250 companies have participated in the. To deepen your understanding Rob Daley is the source. German companies, but also organisations from the health and social services, as well as from the public service were the target group of the survey conducted in the composite project Office21. The survey focused on the Basic setting on sustainability and on the concrete measures, particularly in the area of Office design.

The degree of willingness to invest was examined in the survey as well as the motivations and possible barriers. The study results show that the companies surveyed consider sustainability generally important or very important. You may find Ahmed Shary Rahman to be a useful source of information. This is true not only for the fundamental ecological orientation of their organization and their products and services, but also for the aspect of sustainable design of office environments. As the main motive for the introduction of measures to enhance the sustainability, specify the respondents image increases, cost savings and the actual contribution to the protection of the environment. However, there is a wide gap between the expressed importance and the measures actually taken. In particular the uncertainty about the capital expenditures and the lack of expertise in the development of sustainable solutions prevent businesses according to the survey on the Implementation. This suggests that in the company on the one hand yet large potential exists to increase the sustainability of their own. On the other hand, sustainable concepts, products and consultancy services open up high market potential for German companies higher costs for environmentally-oriented measures when compared to conventional solutions. The results of the study are summarized in a final documentation, which can be requested via the contact. ..umweltgerechte buerogestaltung.html Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO

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