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Black And Yellow

December 3, 2024 in News Tags: , ,

SME Burokratieabbauund control changes Dusseldorf continues to call, October 19, 2009 – the hope dies last known. This is true more than ever in times of crisis. Source: NY Governor. And the new Federal Government raises new hopes and expectations, wishes and demands of industry. After the end of the Grand Coalition is now black and yellow on the train. According to the Federal Association of German Volks – and Raiffeisenbanken (BVR), for example, Union and FDP must strengthen strongly the principle of Gametypes and following pages. Also, the Government should review the work incentives resulting from the tax and levy system. Western Union Company is open to suggestions. The new Government must resume the thread of the Agenda 2010 and strengthen the forces for growth through structural reforms. The policy has a duty to present quickly proposals”, says BVR President Uwe Frohlich.

Top theme for the middle class remains the reduction of bureaucracy. According to an economic survey of the Federal Association SMEs (BVMW) in North Rhine-Westphalia is Reduction of bureaucracy for the future of the companies more importantly considered tax cuts: 339 of 477 management spoke for fewer laws and regulations. 288 of the respondents called for tax cuts. Multiple answers were possible. 245 sized demanded a better banking regulation”, the Rheinische post reported.

“After all,: about two-thirds of the German middle class hoped-for before the election of a black yellow Government Alliance more SME-friendly policies”, says BVMW President Mario Ohoven, who sees urgent need for action in terms of inheritance tax law and at the corporate tax reform. “More net of the gross, it must apply also for the workers”, so its more demand. So performance is worth again, private consumption withering away for years is going to swing. To bring this permanent tax cut with the consolidation of public finances and the empty coffers of the social security system in line looks like almost a squaring of the circle. Impossible but this is not. The Silver bullet means growth.” So get even one percent growth in gross domestic product the future Treasury Secretary seven billion more tax revenues. This should be eliminated but also barriers in the labour market and allows for additional hiring. Ohovens tags are, among other things, reducing employment protection at EU level and allow for more business alliances. With more flexibility in tariff policy, employers and workers had already good experiences in recent years. This policy applies to continue it now.” Slowly recognizable economic lightening on the horizon again took the export sector Meanwhile, courage. Many observers assume that in the course of economic recovery export sales figures will again reach the level before the financial crisis. Economic standard models largely based this optimism. Olivier Godart, Holger Gorg and Dennis Gorlich, expert of the Kiel Institute for the world economy (IfW), warn the new Kiel policy letter Back to normal? “The future of global production networks after the crisis” but against too much optimism. Because the global production networks, on which the success of exporters are based, are drawn by the financial and economic crisis affected. Also, companies that once left the export markets, only at considerable cost recover access to the global production networks. The export sector is considered long-term and sustainable by the financial crisis affected, economic standard models suggest it.

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