Alternative Logic
September 1, 2017 in News
However, the administratores not always gave adequate publicity to one means that, since centuries, is at the service of the community. It is a transport system original, organic and immune to time, precious both for the worker, occasional visitor or tourist on vacation in Venice, to the inhabitant: gondola. The traditional Venetian boat still represents a real transport service, besides offering pleasant tourist walks by the Harriers, so romantic channels as costly. In particular, gondola is a fast and economical alternative to noisy boats transportation ACTV company and allows to avoid bridges of the Canal Grande (Scalzi, Rialto and Accademia and the newborn Costituzione), always full of people. More wide than usual and without decorations, the gondola-transbordador is driven by two gondolieri and can carry up to 14 people at the same time, that they can sit or stand.
The price of a trip is really convenient, considering that ACTV boats charge two euros for the same service and there are many cheap hotels in Venice. A transhipment in gondola costs only fifty cents per passenger, a euro if it carries a large suitcase. In addition to being a useful transportation system, the gondola is a forced choice by those who do not want to give up a brief and economic experience, but at the same time intense, traditional lagoon boats. Although the journey lasts only a few minutes, passengers can enjoy an exceptional view of the Venetian historic buildings and savor the unusual sensation of sitting a few inches of water. It should be noted that this service is not a recent invention. Indeed, in a city like Venice, the waters have always been the favorite means of communication. Already in ancient times the Venetians who could not afford the property of a private gondola had public transport.
For this reason, there were a few piers of departure and arrival of the gondola, called stazi, not only along the Canal Large, but also in the entire city. Today, however, with the introduction of motorized boats, the service covers only a few points presets, i.e.: of Fontego dei Turchi to San Marcuola, in Pescheria at Santa Sofia, from Riva del Vin to Riva’s coal, San Toma to Ca Garzoni, Ca Rezzonico at San Samuele, Salute to Santa Maria del Giglio and Punta della Dogana to San Marco Vallaresso. The service is active from Monday through Saturday, from 8 o’clock to 19 o’clock. If you need more information, we recommend you contact your hotel in Venice. There are customs that do not change despite the air of modernity. Without a doubt, the gondola-transbordador is a unique system in its genre that respects our environment and your pocket, a gem for those who want to discover and appreciate the charm of Venice.